Saturday, December 27, 2008

What? Caleb and Luke have a blog? For their hike? No way...

Last night, over a few beers, Caleb decided that it was time I actually delivered on my promise to create a blog for our imminent attempt at a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail -- this is the result...

I think Caleb and I each realize that this blog will not be viewed by many. We are not trying to receive acclaim for the posts we write about our fantastic adventures, nor are we looking to move up the google hitlist. The primary purpose of this blog is a practical one -- to allow any of our friends, family, or stalkers to know our whereabouts throughout the entirety of the journey from Georgia to Maine.

We believe this will be beneficial to three types of people that care about us. First, there is the group of people that would be worried sick if Caleb and I cut off all communication with the rest of the world. I think examples of people in this group would include Blakeley, Karla, and Grandma Beth. Next, there is the group of you who have expressed interest in hiking a section of the trail with us. This is perhaps the largest group and it is our hope that this blog will be the primary facilitator in arranging these trips. Finally, there is a small group of you who may wish to pick us up from the trail, cook for us, give us a bed, show us the time of our lives, etc. So far, the only person I know in this group is Kevin McGowan. We can let members of this group know when and where we will be so they can achieve their goal of making us happy.

As of today, the plan is to start the trip on March 11th. After that, we should be able to add a post every week or so ("so" could possibly mean "month") when we arrive in a city with public computers and internet access.

I'm going to submit this post and mess around with the rest of the features on this blog and hopefully make it cool.

Take it easy,

1 comment:

  1. I am the first type of person that cares about you: I am worried sick about this trip. Ya'll make it though!! I'm really excited for you!! I've afford to take and pick you up...T and I love road trips!
